The guarantee of a successful reception:
Hotel Lien d’Or also provides its expertise as a caterer for receptions. Whether it’s a special occasion, a private reception or a publicity campaign, we’ll listen to your needs, whatever your event. With the Lion d’Or reception catering team, you can be sure of a successful reception combining the gastronomic expertise of its restaurant “Le Surcouf” and the quality service of an experienced team.
Lion d’Or also offers takeaway dishes, menus, buffets and much more. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
Prepare your event:
Click here to download the guide to receptions, weddings and catering.
Click here to download the schedule of items to be prepared beforehand.
Lion d’Or also offers takeaway dishes, menus, buffets and much more. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
In tune with your needs
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